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He is under the concept that it is vans that kidnap children,' said Stelynna VonBorstel. We were walking to school and he was looking back and forth - right and left for any vans. He doesn't want to come to school and he is always scared. He is asking why there are mean people in the world. Parents and students are well aware of what happened. Tuesday near Bryan Avenue and Marketplace in Irvine, not far from Tustin Ranch Elementary School. The incident allegedly happened around 3 p.m. And she became kind of concerned at that point, and as he kind of leaned forward and reached toward her she delivered a very well placed kick.'Īfter the girl kicked the man in the groin he dropped down, giving her time to run away. 'And it was at that point that she said that he offered her some candy to take off some of her clothing. Rick Handfield from the Irvine Police Department. 'She kind of observed a male coming up kind of close to her and turned to see why he was getting so close,' said Lt. Police say the girl was walking her bike up to her gated apartment complex in Irvine after school when he approached her.

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The suspect who approached the 10-year-old girl is believed to be, between 20 and 30-years-old.

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