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This article provides information about the characteristics of Australians who identify themselves in the Census of Population and Housing as living in the same household in a same-sex couple relationship. ( Endnote 1) However, there is still no Australian legislation to allow same-sex marriage or legal recognition of same-sex marriages performed overseas. In some states and territories, relationship registers have been created, or arrangements for the recognition of domestic partnerships have been introduced. Legislative reforms at the State/Territory and Commonwealth level have removed the majority of legal distinctions between same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples, recognising their relationships in matters such as superannuation, taxation, social security, inheritance, and support for veterans. There has been increasing interest in same-sex couples within Australian society in recent years. Same sex couples, gay couples, same sex parents, same sex families, gay families, same sex relationship, same sex marriage, gay marriages, lesbian couples, gay relationships, lesbian relationship, Census data Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing

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